Finding the Right Fit for Your Organization

Internal vs. External Software Licensing Experts

If your organization relies on software, you understand the importance of proper licensing management. But, do you know whether to rely on internal or external software licensing experts? While both options offer distinct benefits, determining which approach will provide the most value can be challenging. In this article, we explore the pros and cons of both internal and external software licensing experts, and provide insights to help you make an informed decision. Whether you’re looking to save costs, improve compliance, or access fresh perspectives and resources, read on to learn how to optimize your software licensing practices and mitigate the risks of noncompliance.


What is a software license expert?

A software license expert is a professional who has expertise and knowledge in the area of software licensing, including the legal, technical, and business aspects.

Why is a software license expert needed?

Software licensing is a complex and rapidly evolving field, with many different types of licenses, terms, and conditions. A software license expert can help individuals and organizations understand the terms and conditions of software licenses, ensure compliance with those terms, and avoid potential legal or financial risks.

Duties of a software license expert

Some of the key responsibilities of a software license expert may include:

  1. Reviewing software license agreements and understanding their terms and conditions
  2. Advising individuals or organizations on software licensing compliance
  3. Negotiating software license agreements with vendors or suppliers
  4. Assisting with the management of software licenses


We optimize your software spend

What is smarter internal or external experts?

When it comes to software licensing expertise, both internal and external experts can bring value to an organization, depending on the organization’s needs and goals.

Benefits of internal software license experts include:

  • Familiarity with the organization’s unique needs and goals
  • Tailored advice and support based on a deep understanding of the organization’s software licensing needs
  • Potential cost savings compared to hiring an external consulting firm

Benefits of external software license experts include:

  • Access to a broader perspective on software licensing issues
  • Fresh ideas and best practices from outside the organization
  • Additional resources and expertise to support the organization’s software licensing needs without requiring the organization to hire additional staff

In some cases, a combination of both internal and external expertise may be the most effective approach, allowing organizations to benefit from both the specialized knowledge of internal experts and the broader perspective and additional resources provided by external consultants. Ultimately, the decision of whether to rely on internal or external software licensing experts will depend on the specific needs and goals of the organization.

The core business of a consulting company in the field of software licenses

Blackbelt XP is for example a consulting company in this area and provides specialized expertise and services related to software licensing. These firms offer a range of services designed to help clients manage their software licensing needs, including compliance, negotiations, and risk management.

Difference between an internal software license expert of external

Typically, a software license expert consultancy firm will have a team of experts with extensive knowledge of the software licensing landscape, including the legal, technical, and business aspects. They may also have experience working with a variety of different software vendors and license types, allowing them to provide tailored advice and support to clients.


Trusted by government and businesses

Services of a software license expert consultancy firm

Some of the specific services that a software license expert consultancy firm may offer include:

  1. License Management & Optimization
  2. License compliance assessments – these involve reviewing a client’s software licenses and ensuring that they are being used in compliance with the terms and conditions of the license agreement. Incl. Audit Defense & Support.
  3. Roadmap & Scenario Workshops – through software IT Roadmap and Scenario sessions, experts will show you exactly how your current environment responds to different licensing optimization situations.
  4. Price Benchmarking – compare your software spend to those in large database and discover potential savings.
  5. Negotiation support – these services involve helping clients negotiate favorable software license agreements with vendors or suppliers.
  6. Risk management – this involves helping clients identify potential software licensing risks and developing strategies to mitigate those risks.
  7. Training and education – these services involve providing training and education to clients on software licensing best practices, compliance requirements, and other related topics.

Overall, a software license expert consultancy firm can be a valuable resource for organizations of all sizes, helping them manage their software licensing needs and avoid potential legal or financial risks.


Results of working with a software license expert

There are many potential benefits to working with a consulting firm in the area of software licensing, including improved compliance, cost savings, and risk management. While specific results may vary depending on the needs and goals of each client, there is evidence to suggest that working with a reputable software licensing consulting firm can lead to positive outcomes.

For example, a study by Gartner found that clients who worked with third-party software asset management (SAM) and licensing consultants were able to achieve an average cost savings of 22% over the course of three years. The study also found that these clients were able to reduce their risk of noncompliance by 30%.

In addition, a report by Forrester Consulting found that clients who worked with a software licensing consultancy were able to achieve a return on investment (ROI) of 373% over a three-year period. The report also found that these clients were able to improve their software licensing compliance and reduce their overall software spending.

These results suggest that working with a software licensing consultancy can be an effective way for organizations to improve their software licensing practices and achieve cost savings, while reducing their risk of noncompliance. However, it’s important to note that specific results may vary depending on the needs and goals of each client, as well as the expertise and experience of the consulting firm.


The Benefits of Working with a Software License Optimization Expert: A CIO’s Perspective